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A closer look at seasonal trends impacting Palm Beach real estate

A closer look at seasonal trends impacting Palm Beach real estate

In the Palm Beach, Florida luxury real estate landscape, seasonal trends and events can have a significant effect on market dynamics, such as demand, sales activity, and available inventory. Together, let’s explore these seasonal trends and determine the best time for you to proceed with your real estate investment.

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Spring in South Florida, where Palm Beach is located, runs for longer than other parts of the state and even in the country.

Depending on weather patterns, the season can start as early as December and last until May, with April described to have the most spring-like conditions. Because of the ideal weather conditions, many of Palm Beach’s signature events take place during this season, such as the Palm Beach International Boat Show.

The season’s length, and the fact that Palm Beach largely attracts an older population of buyers, make the spring home buying season unlike what most people are accustomed to.

  • Buyers might start looking at homes for sale earlier: Retirees or snowbirds looking to escape the freezing winter in their home states are known to flock to Palm Beach and South Florida well before the start of spring. This is not only to vacation, but also to look for potential homes in the region.
  • The inventory tends to grow during spring: Although buyers can be early with their home search, sellers might take their time listing their properties on the market. Rest assured, however, that the number of listed properties increase in the springtime.
  • Home prices typically rise: Spring in Palm Beach, Florida real estate sees an increased demand in homes as well as supply available. And because buying activity starts to pick up, it is not uncommon for sellers to list with higher price tags. Price hikes tend to occur among beachfront properties as well as homes in sought-after neighborhoods.
  • Prices peak around May and June: Widely recognized as the peak months of the spring home buying season, it comes as no surprise that prices also reach all-time highs during May and June. Around this time, the Palm Beach, Florida real estate market becomes more saturated with buyers as families with children enter the fray.

    Late spring coincides with school breaks, and families are in a rush to secure homes before the start of the next academic year. Snowbirds also want to finish their real estate purchases in South Florida before the weather gets hotter. This surge in demand, as well as high competition, then drives prices upwards.

Strategies for buying a home in the spring

  • If possible, start your home search early: When you can, start looking into homes for sale to benefit from reasonable prices and lesser competition. Some buyers carve time to explore market offerings during their winter holidays. But if you cannot fit this into your schedule, use our online properties database to scope what is currently available in the market and consider buying a home remotely.
  • Be prepared to move quickly: Whether you start your home buying journey in the early or late spring, ensure that you are ready to proceed should you find a property you love. Houses can move fast in the Palm Beach spring market. Before you look at homes, have your financing pre-approved or your bank documentation ready– if you are purchasing with cash– so you can make an offer quickly.
  • Understand location nuances: Palm Beach has no shortage of coveted neighborhoods, each with its own character, lifestyle advantages, and real estate offerings. Do not limit your home search into just one area; explore other locations and you might find a hidden gem without intense competition.

To conclude, spring offers a wider selection of homes in Palm Beach and South Florida at large, but it is also a competitive time. While there may be more options as well as room for negotiations, there is a high likelihood of bidding wars or multiple-offer situations occurring. If this is a major concern, consider buying a home in Palm Beach in the fall or winter; both seasons have less competition and offer potentially better deals, though the selection can be limited.


Summers in South Florida run from June through late September or even early October. During these months, the heat and humidity soar in Palm Beach. Average daily temperatures hover around 80 degrees Fahrenheit and can rise up to 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Time almost comes to a standstill, with many people preferring to spend their days lounging by the pool or at the beach, or soaking in the water to keep cool.

But heat and humidity are not the only points to consider when buying a home in Palm Beach in the summer. This season can also be, at times, rainy. Palm Beach receives the most rainfall during the summer months, with average precipitation ranging from 5 to 8 inches. Afternoon thunderstorms are not uncommon, but bring a boon: cooler temperatures for the rest of the day.

Due to these environmental factors, summer used to be considered the “off-season” for home buying in Palm Beach and other parts of the region. It has been observed in the past that real estate sales activity typically slows down during this time, and many residents travel someplace else to escape the heat. But things are changing.

  • Serious buyers emerge: With the heat and the impending opening of schools in September, the summer homebuying season tends to see the most serious and motivated homebuyers in the market.

    They include vacationers-slash-homebuyers who have chosen to extend their stays in Palm Beach, buyers who were unable to cinch real estate deals in the previous season, buyers who intentionally delayed their purchase, as well as international buyers whose summer holidays coincide with Palm Beach’s and the northern hemisphere. All of these groups want to take advantage of a market that is seemingly cooling down from a busy spring home buying season and are eager to close deals.

  • A closer look at seasonal trends impacting Palm Beach real estate

  • Focus on the luxury market: Summer buyers exploring Palm Beach real estate often belong to a high-net-worth demographic. They include established snowbirds who have already acquired a taste for the local lifestyle and are now ready to purchase a permanent piece of paradise, as well as seasoned investors who recognize the opportunities of buying during a “slower” season.

    Sellers, too, recognize the value and benefits of listing high-end properties in the summer. They understand the summer buyer profile and strategically position their luxury homes to appeal to them. Furthermore, Palm Beach luxury real estate, especially those along the waterfront, is only a small slice of the overall market. This scarcity, regardless of the season, keeps prices high and the focus on this market segment.

  • A lower inventory: There may be lesser competition when buying a home in Palm Beach during summer, but buyers may also be greeted with a smaller selection of properties. This can be attributed to several factors in addition to the recently concluded spring home buying season.

    First, a significant portion of sellers in Palm Beach are wealthy residents who may have decided to travel to avoid the area’s heat and humidity. This, naturally, can reduce the number of properties actively listed on sale. Second, there are sellers that only listed their properties during the spring home buying season simply to test the waters, not to sell. Part of their strategy might include delisting their property over the summer, and relisting it again later in the year.

    It could also be that luxury home sellers, particularly those with unique properties, believe that they might fare better by selling in another time.

Strategies for buying a home in the summer

  • Don’t hesitate: Although there is less competition, buying in the summer months might mean going head-to-head with highly motivated buyers. Be prepared to act fast when you find a property that interests you. Serious summer buyers are likely ready to move quickly on the right deal. Consider pre-approval for a mortgage and have your decision-making process streamlined.
  • Work with a savvy Realtor: A knowledgeable Realtor can help you navigate the intricacies of the summer market. Furthermore, they can assist you in identifying properties that might not be actively listed but could be open to offers.
  • Targeted house hunting: With the heat, humidity, and potentially fewer open houses, focus on targeted viewings with your Realtor. Pre-screen properties online and prioritize those that best match your needs and preferences. If possible, consider scheduling your visit during the hottest part of the day. Doing so can reveal potential issues with the air-conditioning system or roof that might not be apparent in cooler weather.

Buying a house in Palm Beach during the summer months offers a unique opportunity to experience the luxury and beauty of the island, with a touch of off-season charm. Whether you are seeking a summer getaway or exploring real estate opportunities, be prepared for the weather and embrace the slower pace this season brings.


Fall typically occurs in Palm Beach from late September through November. During this time, this upscale resort town becomes a welcome respite from the hot and humid summer. The scorching heat and high humidity fade to be quickly replaced by pleasant days and nights, with temperatures hovering around the low to mid-80s Fahrenheit.

Meteorologically, fall coincides with the tailend of hurricane season and signals the start of the region’s dry season. But that is not where the changes end, for fall also brings a shift in the real estate market compared to peak spring and buyer-focused summer.

  • A rejuvenated market: Palm Beach’s home sellers return to town after spending their summers in the north or abroad, which leads to a fresh wave of properties in the market and therefore increases the local inventory after the summer lull.

    Coincidentally, summer sellers who have been waiting for the “right buyer” might be open to more negotiations as well as price reductions as the Palm Beach housing market continues to cool down.

    With more options entering the market and prices subsequently lowering, the fall market might appear more balanced compared to the spring and summer seasons. That said, there is still some competition to be expected especially among Palm Beach’s more desirable properties.

  • There’s a shifting buyer pool: Now deeper into the year, buyers exploring Palm Beach real estate are no longer dominated by out-of-state buyers. The fall season is usually the time when more local buyers– Floridians or even Palm Beach County residents– emerge. They are either looking to relocate to town, or interested in upgrading their home.

    In addition to local buyers, the fall market tends to see other investors who have been waiting on the sidelines during the frenetic spring season or the competitive summer months. Both groups want to capitalize on the wider housing selection and the stabilizing home prices.

  • A closer look at seasonal trends impacting Palm Beach real estate

  • It’s a continuation of the summer market: In many ways, fall in Palm Beach real estate presents no dramatic shifts from the previous season. But with more properties available in the market, there is a wider room for negotiations, especially if fall buyers present well-supported offers.

Strategies for buying a home in the fall

  • Capitalize on the market shift: Fall can present a wider range of housing options, not only in terms of price, but type, age, and architectural style as well. Use this opportunity to explore different neighborhoods and property types in Palm Beach to find the perfect fit for your needs and preferences.
  • Be prepared to negotiate: With more inventory and potentially more flexible sellers, fall can be a good time to negotiate on price and closing terms. Consult your Realtor to put together a strong offer that highlights your financial capabilities and qualifications as a reliable buyer.
  • Stay connected with your Realtor: The fall market can shift quickly. Your Realtor can keep you updated on new listings and adjust your search criteria as needed.

Fall in Palm Beach offers a dynamic real estate market with a wider selection of properties compared to summer, as well as more room for negotiations. It can still be competitive, however, especially for high-end properties and sought-after locations. By understanding the fall market trends and working with a knowledgeable Realtor, you can increase your chances of finding your dream home in Palm Beach during this season.


Winter in Palm Beach, which meteorologically runs from December through February, is surprising. While other markets in many parts of the country experience a slowdown in real estate activity, the local winter real estate landscape usually serves as a precursor of what is to come the following season.

Palm Beach in the wintertime enjoys mild temperatures that range from within the 70s, occasionally dipping to the low 60s. The winter months are also dry, with little rainfall and low humidity. These conditions make it easy to see why many people, particularly those who live in northern states, prefer to spend their winters in town.

  • The return of the snowbirds: Wealthy seasonal residents arrive in Palm Beach during the winter to escape the harsher northern climes. This creates a surge in buyer activity, especially for luxury properties. Other buyers have a more relaxed approach, preferring to scope available listings in preparation for the spring home buying season.
  • High demand and limited inventory: Competition can be fierce in the wintertime. Although the winter market sees an increase in interested buyers, sellers are not as motivated to list their properties on the market, instead focusing on holiday preparations. Do not be surprised to see some of the highest asking prices during this season. Buyers might also encounter sellers who are less open to negotiations.
  • It can be a fast-paced market: Properties tend to move quickly in the wintertime due to the high demand and slow supply. Moreover, many snowbirds also happen to be cash buyers, further intensifying competition.

Strategies for buying a home in the winter

  • Pre-approval is essential: A mortgage pre-approval that indicates an amount above a property’s asking price shows sellers that you are a serious buyer. This can enable you to compete even with all-cash offers.
  • Exercise quick decision-making: Hesitation can cost you your dream home in Palm Beach. Be prepared to make a decision as quickly as possible if you find a home you love.
  • Seek the help of a local Realtor: Leverage the market knowledge and expertise of an experienced Palm Beach Realtor. They can help you traverse the winter real estate market, identify off-market deals, and craft compelling offers.

Whether you decide to buy your dream home in Palm Beach in peak springtime or slower-paced fall, the Frisbie Palm Beach team can guide you towards real estate success. Led by top broker-associate Suzanne Frisbie, the Frisbie Palm Beach team specializes in creating seamless and stress-free home buying experiences in the Greater Palm Beach area.

Our in-depth knowledge of seasonal market trends and quantitative service-oriented approach will enable you to find your dream home in Palm Beach, Florida, with spare time to enjoy the best of each season’s events and offerings.

Get in touch with us today by calling 561.373.0941 or sending an email.

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